Why Whitewater Rafting Provides the Most Beneficial Workout You’ll Ever Have

Why Whitewater Rafting Provides the Most Beneficial Workout You’ll Ever Have

If you’re a fitness enthusiast, then you probably know that a monotonous routine can result in fatigue. We’ve all been there – you get burned out, and suddenly, it’s 10x as difficult to start gaining that momentum again. The key is to find new and exciting ways to keep your workouts fresh. One of the most beneficial ways to accomplish that involves getting out on the open water in an inflatable raft.

Whitewater WorkoutLike Doing Nautilus in a Life Jacket

Physically speaking, one afternoon of whitewater rafting can help to strengthen a person’s deltoids, biceps, triceps, and quads. What’s more, the recurring cross-body motion can help to firm up a variety of the core muscle groups, including the abs, the obliques, and the groin.

Paddling against swift currents can feel a little like increasing the resistance on an exercise machine – the rougher the rapids, the more effort it requires to keep things moving on the correct course.

Some devotees consider whitewater rafting to be a form of interval training. Interval training is based on the idea of exerting a great deal of energy in several short, repetitive bursts. On the river, calm waters accommodate a period of rest in between every interval, with the goal being to improve a rafter’s speed, reaction time, agility, and endurance.

What’s Good for The Body Is Great for The Soul

A lot of people don’t account for the cardiovascular perks that a day on the river can provide. The simple reason being that the enjoyment far outweighs any physical strain. Whitewater rafters are in perpetual motion, and this tends to boost their endorphins. Endorphins are a group of hormones that positively stimulate a person’s body and mind. On an average day, the moderate exposure to sunlight can also replenish a body’s supply of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to maintaining strong bones.

On a side note, it’s worth mentioning that you won’t really sweat on a whitewater rafting expedition. Throughout every river pass you’ll enjoy a tunneling breeze combined with the constant spray of cold water. Now that’s something no gym on the planet can offer!


If you’re interested in booking a rafting trip, or you’d like to learn more about Whitewater Challengers’ group packages, locations, and outdoor activities visit our webpage.


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